Name: Stella
Breed: Pitbull Mix
Likes: Treats, travelling the world with her human
Dislikes: Sitting on snow

I had the pleasure of connecting with this lovely, well-behaved pooch right before she jetted off to a new life in Europe. While I was sad to learn she was leaving, I will always love seeing her messing up the bed, catching the ball, and traveling to new places via Instagram. 

One of the best parts of working with animals in front of the camera is the honesty in their expressions. Obviously she’s trying to tell me something here. When you can’t speak the same language, it’s all about those eyes, ears, and head tilts. Stella is one of those dogs you can’t help but fall in love with. She’s good natured, honest and of course, quite the clever girl.

Thanks again to Ben for introducing me to Stella and being a pretty kick-ass human in general.